Sports/Deep Tissue Massage

Sports 4Sports/Deep Tissue Massage is an excellent treatment to relieve strained and overworked muscles and joints.  The treatment combines a variety of deep tissue massage techniques and stretches to alleviate pain and discomfort in the body.  This helps to increase blood circulation to the site of injury or strain, eliminate waste products such as lactic acid around the muscles and increase the range of movement of the joints.  It is not only sports people that opt for this treatment, many people suffer from repetitive strain injuries from their work activities and choose Sports/ Deep Tissue massage to alleviate muscular pain and to help restore flexibility around the back, neck, shoulders, arms and wrists.

This treatment is very beneficial for: muscular pain and tension, inflexible joints, overused/tired muscles, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, post injury rehabilitation, improving muscle tone, reducing scar tissue and improving the circulation.